We have produced pipe tobacco since 1826. Many fellow companies were making pipe tobacco at that time but most have closed and today Mac Baren is one of the very few still around to make quality pipe tobacco. One of the reasons for our existence is the passion our owners show each day in their work with tobacco and production, because tobacco cannot be measured or put in spread sheets; you must taste tobacco in order to experience the fragrance and taste. This passion led to the introduction of Mixture in 1958 and soon Mixture became one of the worlds most smoked pipe tobaccos.

In 2015 Mac Baren acquired the brands Amphora, St. Bruno, Three Nuns and Capstan among others; brands that had lived a chaotic existence for many years until they finally found their new home at Mac Baren.

Below you will find a list of our brands and we invite you to explore our world of pipe tobacco.


7 Seas tobaccos are Mac Baren’s offering when we talk about American inspired pipe tobaccos. The big difference from the American tobaccos and the 7 Seas is that where most of the American tobaccos are based on Burley tobacco, the 7 Seas has its roots in Virginia tobacco. 7 Seas is a line of aromatic blends like the American blends, but with a natural sweetness from the Virginia tobaccos. If you like to know more please visit 7 Seas.



Amphora is one of the brands which has had a turbulent existence. The different brands were produced by different producers until the brand in 2015 finally ended up at Mac Baren, and here they will stay. Amphora is a brand well known to pipe smokers and also one of the big brands internationally. Mac Baren has added new blends to the family, so please visit the Amphora family to see all brands.



The tobaccos are in complete harmony with the Dutch standards for pipe tobacco. Over long time Amsterdamer has established itself as a light house for the pipe smokers who prefer the natural sweetness from the Virginia tobaccos combined with the smoky note of Dark Fired Kentucky. But there are more Dutch inspired tobaccos in the family, so please take a look.



Backwoods is a newer line of pipe tobaccos made under the inspiration of American style tobaccos. The cut of the tobacco makes it easy to obtain the perfect fill and smoking pleasure. Backwoods is an old trademark which stands for smoking quality. Please visit the Backwoods universe.



Original Choice was introduced in 1998 as a pleasant pipe tobacco to start your pipe smoking career with. New members of the Choice family have been added over time and today a Choice tobacco is still ideal for the new pipe smoker but also for the pipe smoker who only smokes a few times a day. Please visit the aromatic line of Choice pipe tobaccos.



The first HH blend was introduced in 2006 and since then the family has grown. The natural taste of tobacco is characteristic of all blends as only an absolute minimum of casing is used. This demands the highest quality of tobacco because the tobacco stands alone without any top flavour to support the taste. Please look into the universe of natural tobacco taste.



The Mac Baren brand is known throughout the world and since the start in 1826 Mac Baren has been producing pipe tobacco of the highest quality. Innovation and new ideas have always been circulating in the company and because of this Mac Baren proudly states that one of the most well-known tobaccos in the world carries the name Mac Baren. Under the umbrella of Mac Baren you will find a lot of different tobaccos.



The heritage of Scaferlati goes back many years and is a tobacco with a lot of traditions. There are more blends in the Scaferlati family, each with their own taste and smoking experience.
Dive into to our French universe with pipe tobacco containing the typical French taste coming from a little cigar tobacco in the blends.



Since many decades St. Bruno pipe tobacco has meant pleasure among pipe smokers. This gentleman tobacco is made according to the British purity laws and the first introduction was late 19th century. This tobacco is an icon among pipe tobaccos and who does not remember the commercials with the St. Bernhard dog, guardian of all pipe smokers.



In 2015 Mac Baren bought the brand names Three Nuns and Capstan and finally these legendary blends found their place at a pipe tobacco house after decades of travelling between different manufacturers. In 2018 the 2 new Three Nuns were introduced only 121 years after the original Three Nuns. Take a closer look at both Capstan and Three Nuns.